If I were to write this post twenty years ago, it probably will be this,

Twenty years ago, I probably would take about two hours to write one entry, but today, I might just spend forty-five minutes to type the same entry now. Not only the writing of dairy, internet aids us in more ways then we expected.
When I was in my primary school days and needed to find a friend to play games, what I did was to take a bus which its journey lasted for fifty minutes to his house and then played our game consoles. I then need to take that same bus trip home and by the end of the day, Ill be exhausted. What about kids today? I seldom see them travelling that far just to play games on a game console. Why would someone travel so much when they can switch on their ultra fast computers at home, connect to internet and start playing online games with friends? Nowadays, kids wouldn’t be finding their friends to play marbles like the older generation anymore, as they are now into online gaming.

The accessibility to internet gives users much convenience these days and this is another reason why internet is pivotal.
Speaking of convenience, during my primary school days, whenever there’s project work, we will definitely be meeting in the library to discuss our project. It was mainly due the face that libraries were the only option for us to search our materials. We then spend hours looking for materials before even starting on our project.

In addition, back then, lets say even if we were not required to search for materials, we will still be meeting at the library for discussion. Why? Simply because there were no “MSN”, “Facebook”, “Skype” or any other chatting tools. Unlike today, we simply have “online meetings” and we save all the travelling time and this is definitely another important advantage on having internet today.
Lastly, with the aid of internet and the creation on “Email”, it gives us so much convenience, especially in an organization. Imagine, if the head of an organization wants to deliver a message to his one thousand workers, and if there is no internet, is he really going to manually write one thousand letters?

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